Today was kindof the first non-stressful day of this adventure. I still have some following up to do with VISA and the timeshare mess, but I'm pretty confident that it will be resolved and therefore feeling way less dumb about it.
My "mission" today was to walk to the old part of Puerto Vallarta to look around and visit my host, Alfredo, at his real estate office. There is a main road that connects the neighbouhood I live in to old Vallarta. But, I've walked most of that road several times already and wanted to try the secondary streets. I had a map with me, but wanted to "wing" it. I walked for about 1 hour and thought I was very close to my destination, but wasn't sure about where I was since street signs are often absent here. I was starting to get tired and wanted to be sure of where I was, so I asked a man in a store. Oh my! I had walked almost in circles and was nowhere near close to my destination. I gave in and spent my 50 cents on the bus....
In case you're wondering about Alfredo, he's very nice. He's 46 years old, is Mexican, speaks excellent English, and is very sociable. He's also very tidy so we are compatible that way.
Hasta Luego!
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