Since the beginning of the plan, I've called this an "adventure", not a "vacation". This is because, to me, adventure means "whatever happens is OK", it's all about seeing what happens and enjoying it; and a vacation means relaxation, pleasure, fun, and a bit of decadence.
Until now, I've had some fun for sure. The last 5 weeks have been more relaxing and decadent than time at home would have been.
But my expectation was that I would do some work. And I did. I went to class and studied my Spanish, even when I didn't feel like it sometimes. I did research about painting, painting companies, and their web sites. I found a web builder program and used it to build the site for my new painting company, which will be called "Fresh Start" (unless someone gives me a good reason not to call it that). I also started to research and build the web site about "life milestones" that I've been talking about, and did my (back) exercises about every other day (OK, it was on the beach, but it still counts!) I even cooked for myself regularly and swept the floor.
But Andre arrives tomorrow! He'll be here with me for the last two weeks of my stay. I'm very anxious to see him! I don't know what he's been calling the next two weeks in his mind, but I've been calling them a vacation in my mind. That scares me a bit because of the expectation that comes with that. I can sometimes be a bit high strung about making sure I meet my expectations. That can take some of the fun out of having fun. So maybe, I think I've decided to call the next two weeks an "adventure with bebefits".
I'm not sure about where we'll be during the next two weeks, or how much internet access we'll have. I'd like to continue to blog, but my entries may not be as regular. Don't worry, that doesn't mean we've been kidnapped or anything like that. Maybe it'll just mean we're having some "benefits"!
PS It rained a lot today. So it was pretty domestic again. I practiced Spanish with the ladies at the school, ate some yummy roasted chicken and a frigging hot pepper (thanks for warning me, Miguel, after I ate that first bit!), and worked on the web site stuff.
Pictures: Some pretty flowers (bougainvilia I think), a bad picture of a neat big sculpture looking out from a bar/restaurant (notice the chairs and TV screens in the picture for scale); a lady walking up the hill with her cane (the hill is very steep and about 5 times the length of what you see in the picture, she was amazing!); and I found this "danger" sign on my walk the other day, I was brave and kept walking! (It looked like it was part of a kids toy or shoe)
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