My cousin, Linda, left Cozumel today. She's on her way to Chicago, then Miami to visit friends, and then probably off to the Galapagos Islands to volunteer and tour. Nice!
I'm sad to see her go. But, she has more "nightlife" in her than me, and it'll be good to get more sleep.

A bit about the night life....On Saturday night, we went to a place called Woody's. A nice outdoor patio with a really good singer/musician, Paco. There I met Scott, from Vancouver Island, who wants to open a bar here and is Paco's buddy; Brian, a nice older American man who caved and bought a rose for Linda and me from the wandering merchants; and Louis a Mexican bartender who likes to play chess, has a degree in math, is applying for his masters, and reads poetry and the classics! (I don't think he was BS-ing me, he listed off a bunch of authors and math things) An interesting group!

Yesterday, we went to Wet Wendy's, a popular bar with expats and where Louis works. But where the music is too loud and a freaky guy named John hangs out. John is a handsome older man who likes to monolologue about conspiracy theories. It was funny. A pretty younger lady sat one stool away from John, moved closer to speak to him, then moved right back to STOP talking to him!
Photos: 1) Linda and I at Wet Wendy's

2) Linda and Paco, the charming singer from Woody's (why do i think he was cougar hunting??!!)
3) my lunch pal, he was on the wall across the street from "Billy's", the BBQ place I raved about! It was a bit less amazing today, same order, less food, more expensive than before...
4) caterpillars outside of my apt-anyone know what kind of butterfly they turn into??
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