I have done a bit of scuba diving in past years. It's a really awesome thing to experience. To put on a bunch of equipment and pretty much let yourself sink to the bottom of the sea. To look at things in this other world up close. Colourful fish and coral. Sometimes even a turtle or stingray!
But! To experience that other world from the comfort of a submarine! How cool! I recommend it. At least once. You get on a boat. Travel about 15 minutes. Transfer onto the submarine. Off we go!!!
1- Me explaining to all the passengers about the submarine. OK, not really...
2- The submarine gets towed to the descent/boarding site each day from its home base. Likely to save the submarine's batteries. The tow boat and submarine are waiting for us as we approach in a passenger boat. It's quite the operation!
3- These little fish seemed to follow us throughout most of the voyage.
5 - And to see the propeller of the tow boat from below!
6 - Some coral we saw at about 80 feet deep. It's likely colourful. But as you descend, the water absorbs the colours, first red, then orange. So you only see blues and kinda greens.
7- My favourite part! Like looking at the curve of the earth! These are some fish and coral on the edge of the island/shelf. After that, the ocean floor is more than 2000 feet!!!!
8- Some scuba divers exploring a Mexican Marine ship that was sunken on purpose to help grow coral and create a place for divers to explore.