I've blogged about Billy's before. Because I go there at least once every year. And it's awesome! But I'm blogging about Billy's again because my first visit there this year was especially memorable, for a few reasons....

#1 - When we arrived at the restaurant, a young server, Billy Jr, directed us to a quiet area where we could eat and park our bikes. Very kind. He was smitten with Toby's bike. Asked where I got it and how much. And brought colleagues to look at it. He was so smitten, he agreed to buy it when Toby leaves the island. Perfect!!
#2 - As I was walking from the cash, I saw two men arm wrestling. I'm not sure what got into me, but before I knew it, I was arm wrestling one of them. We went two rounds. I won one and lost one. Though, I'm pretty sure my opponent, Loy, let me win....It was so much fun! The restaurant owner, Billy Senior, took a video and posted it to his facebook page.

#3- Toby doesn't have a basket on his bike. Mine had a basket and a back rack. Now it also has an old avocado crate on the back rack, tied on with wool from the knitting project I just happened to have with me. Very practical!
1- A view from the inside of Billy's towards the BBQ grill

2- Toby about to get his first taste of Billy's BBQ. He is now addicted. We bought take out. And have eaten about 7 Billy's meals in a row....
3- The adorable lady who fills little bags with sauces for take out orders.
4 - Me and Loy on round one or our arm wrestling match. With Billy Senior watching. Loy let me win that one....
5 - My bike with it's new / used avocado crate. It's perfect!
6 - The hi tech attachment system. Black yarn and red string.
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