It's been a few very busy days!

Right after my last post, i joined several people at the beach to learn how to paddle board. It wasn't as hard as i thought! I was pretty concerned about teh standing up part. The rest is paddling, like my kayak. Although , i never really felt comfortable standing, i didn't fall off either. I paddled about 1 hour, even in waves left by a boat!

Yesterday, I joined the "Trashy Little Group" to do a beach clean up on the windy side of the island. What a nice day! First, it was totally ironic that i should be picking up garbage, given my career as Garbage Queen of Ottawa! Then, i joined several of the clean-up crew for some food at a waterfront restaurant. The windy side of the island has no electricity and only about 4 restaurants and no hotels. But it's soooo beautiful! Then, i went to the only other town on the island. The fellow i was with, Barry from Thunder Bay, wanted to check out a potential cycling trail.

There was no trail to be found. But, there was a small store with tonnes of karma. We started by buying a pop each. Then, as we chatted with teh owner, we saw a lovely courtyard, the owner's backyard. Also, the area where he sculpts black coral and other semi-precious stones into jewelrey and ornaments. While in the courtyard, we asked about the fruit trees. So he cut one up for us to taste (tasted like squash...) and told us all about how they have to dive 300 feet deep for the black coral (very dangerous).
Before the tour, i had bought a small black coral pendant (about $7) and asked about a really pretty green semi-precious stone/silver ($40). The store/man had so much karma, I decided to buy the green pendant. The karma feel apart a little when he increased it's price to $80. But it all worked out, i got it for $40. Likely could have got it for less, but they gotta make a living too....
1) picking up garbage on
the beach
2) a black coral "plant"
3) Kevin and I at the beach front restaurant. a really interesting man! sold fish for a living.
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