My sister, Lorraine, arrived in Cozumel on Tuesday. This is my excuse for not writing in the last day or so...It's changed my whole routine....
Lorraine was a real trooper on her first day here! She had gotten up at 3 a.m. to fly here, but still found the energy to take in Carnaval that evening. It was much like the first night of parade that i described, but more mayhem! We came back early.
Yesterday, we went in a submarine! Very cool! The whole thing went like this: arrive, get overview and safety briefing, get on boat and ride for about 15 minutes, transfer to submarine, descend to 100 feet, surface, back on boat and land. The highlights for me were seeing the surface of the water from beneath, knowing we were 100 feet underwater but in total comfort, and seeing the abyss from the edge of a reef wall. The colours were very neat! There were also colourful fish and a ray.
Today, was a restful day, our last in Cozumel. We are going to Playa del Carmen/the mainland tomorrow for one week. We cycled around, shopped, hung out by the pool with other Villa guests, and had lion fish with Carl, a fitting end to this part of the trip. But one of the coolest parts of today was buying a piece of art from an artist called Galo.
When we went into his shop, i noticed a painting on the wall that i really liked. It was about 2'x3" and about $600. After chatting for a while, i asked if he had something like that but smaller and less expensive. There wasn't. But he offerreed to reproduce the piece in a smaller size for a much smaller price, and to have it ready later in the day. How cool is that! I accepted and will be coming home with an original piece of art!
1) Lorraine and I in front of the submarine.
2) lounging by the pool
3) my new painting!
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