I made it to my second home! Kinda because it is like my second home.
On Friday, the day before my departure, I checked my flight status. At around noon, all good. At about 10 pm, when I was all packed and ready for sleep. Not good at all. Poop!

I was supposed to fly Ottawa-Toronto and Toronto-Cozumel. But at 10 pm, the West Jet web site said that my Ottawa-Toronto flight would be delayed. About 2 hours. Enough for me to miss my connection. I assumed because of the crazy weather we've been getting in Canada and the north-east USA. I think we'll all remember the Siberian cold that descended on Ottawa and the "bomb cyclone" that hit the USA this winter. Who chose the words "bomb cyclone"???

Luckily, I've traveled to Cozumel before. And knew I had alternatives.

I called West Jet, my carrier. Waited about 45 minutes to speak to someone. And got busy on the Internet checking my flight options. As expected, West Jet had no other flights to Cozumel until the next weekend. But! They had lots of flights to Cancun. Perfect! I knew I could take a bus then a ferry to Cozumel. A bit of an adventure, but very manageable.

I arrived at about 5pm. A bit sleep deprived from staying up later than planned to sort things out. But I still had enough time and energy to clean myself up and have dinner with Barbara and Tom. Lovely!
1-A view of the beach in Playa del Carmen, where I took the ferry to come to Cozumel.
2- These guys were on break, when I asked to take their picture. It was fun to see them just chilling. The bronze man usually stands as a statue hoping tourists will give him money to take his picture. I don't know what Spider man does. Maybe the same? But he had his mask off when I asked to take his picture, which I thought looked even more interesting. But I didn't argue when he put it on. I did give them money for their time. Everyone's gotta make a living!
3- Also the beach at Playa.
4 and 5 - The walkway to the passenger ferry from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel. I liked the geometry.
Glad you made it Sis!