I found my zen today! Who knew that a bicycle lock would be key to the process?
A few things are really important to me here. My ocean swims and my bicycle are two of them.

Yesterday, I picked up my bicycle. As usual, it was in very good condition, thanks to my friend Barbara. When I'm not here, she very kindly stores it in a bathtub in her English school. The bathroom, in which this bathtub is located, is used as a storage room. All I needed to do was put air in the tires and oil on the chain. Yay!!! I was mobile again!!

But I needed a new bicycle lock. Cozumel is a pretty safe place. But petty theft is an issue here, like most places around the world. My bicycle isn't fancy. But it's very sturdy and works well. And bicycles are fairly expensive here. So a good lock feels important to me.

Yesterday, I went to 3 stores to look for a sturdy lock, with a combination instead of a key. No luck. (I like a combination lock more because I don't have to take my keys out of my bag every time I lock/unlock my bike.)
Today, I went to a 4th bike shop. Success!! I have a great new lock! I can go places and safely lock my bike. Today, I also went for my second swim. I saw needle fish, and a few other pretty fish. It was great!! Happy zen!
1- The dock where I started my swim today. In the distance, you can see the pen that holds stingrays for the tourists to visit.
2-My bicycle making friends with some pigeons in the plaza
3-Some kids learning how to dance in the plaza. There was a hat out for tips. Watching was worth a few pesos.
4 - The pool at the Blue Angel hotel. I'm not allowed to use the pool because I'm not a hotel guest. But I can use their dock to get into the ocean for a swim. So I'm giving them a little shout out.
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