You can go a lot of places. Feel the smooth breeze on your skin, as you get there. And get exercise, all at the same time!

But, I realize it's time to move on. To embrace the new bike that I have. And it's story. It does have a pretty cool story...
About 5 years ago, during the 1st week of my 2nd visit to Cozumel,

Linda eventually left her love bike at Barbara's. Many people have used it. When my green one was stolen, Barbara fixed it up the love bike, for me. A wonderful gesture of kindness.

1-3 It's called the "love bike" because it's got groovy flowers and images on it. And! It actually has the words "love bike" painted on it!
4 - My old bike....
5- Yesterday, I bought a spiffy new bike for Damita, who will come visit me soon. It's small and light. I don't think it's crazy amazing quality. But it was well priced. There are very few good used bikes for sale on the island, and new ones are fairly expensive.
6 A groovy old bike in the bike shop.
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