Thai Pongal is a Tamil and Hindu harvest festival designed to give thanks to the Sun God for the abundant harvest. In India, Thai Pongal lasts 4 days. In Sri Lanka, it lasts 2 days.
When the rice first begins to boil, they blow a horn/ “sanggu” and shout “Pongalo Pongal!/the pot is overflowing.” Which means you'll have good fortune for the year.
On the 2nd day, the oxen who help farmers work their rice fields are honoured. On this “day of cattle,” the animals are given a bath, and are decorated with beautiful garlands.
1- On our way down from Lipton's Seat, we came across a few small groups of women in beautiful Saris. When I told them how beautiful they were, they said "school event". Thai Pongal!
2- 3 - At the beginning of the event, there was a short parade with kids dancing.
4- This is the calf who got washed and decorated. His appearance was the last part of the ceremony. We waited sooooo long to see it. And that part only lasted a minute!
5- The man in orange was the Hindu priest who officiated some of the event. In this picture, they are boiling the milk.
6- These two kids stood at this decorated table throughout the whole event. About 2 hours. They were so cute!
7- Diane and Toby being silly on our walk.
8- A tea plucker village we saw. Plantations seem to provide housing and services for their employees. Goode thing. Pluckers only make about 650 rupees /day. About $4 Canadian.
9- Some ladies doing laundry in a stream.
10- We found a part of a school book on our walk.