I had a pretty busy day yesterday, by Cozumel standards....
At 8:30 in the morning, Katherine, a Canadian from North Bay, who now lives here all year, picked me up so I could join the "Trashy Little Group" pick-up garbage on the windy side of the Island. Some of you may recall that I met Katherine last year, so it was nice to catch up with her again, and that I participated in a garbage clean up last year also. Very nice.

Then lunch, exercises and off to the Blue Angel (again) for a swim. Pierre, the acrobat from Cirque du Soleil was there again. He was happy to show off some of his skills, which was fun to watch. Then off he went, with his friends for scuba. By the way, one of his friends is also a performer for the Cirque. He was wearing a very small bathing suit. Picture a speedo on a diet! Sorry, I have no pictures....

Then home, dinner, and a drink with Luis, a Mexican bartender I met last year. Again, you may recall, I liked him because there was more to him than bartending. I was a bit nervous about meeting him. Would we run out of conversation after 5 minutes? Would he think I was making the moves on him? The answers were no, and not so far and I hope not. It was actually fun. We kept switching from English to Spanish. Great practice!
Top: Pierre, the Cirque performer, walking down the stairs in a handstand position. Apparently "easy".
Centre: A photo from the day we rented the car. Although it's legal to drink and drive here, I did not. It was just fun to pose in front of the police station with a beer in my hand!
Bottom: Christelle on the windy side of the Island, not far from where we picked up garbage yesterday.
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