I decided to mix things up a bit today. So instead of doing homework in the morning, I went to the market and cycled around a bit.
While "in town", I saw a little shop that offered aesthetic services, including eyebrow waxing. Mine could use some work so I was considering going in. When a rather robust looking "female" employee, with a 5 o'clock shadow under heavy foundation, came to the doorway and asked of he/she could help me. I was actually still thinking about going in. What an adventure that would have been! But her/his eyebrows were really thin, she seemed to think mine were "really thick", and I was scared that mine would end up like hers/his. Pass!

Later, I went to the water front where the fishermen came with their catch the other day, to get some lion fish to BBQ for dinner. While waiting for the boats to come in, I met Manuel, a man who was there to help the boats unload. I'm not sure how, but I think I married him for the day. That turned out all right though, because he arranged for me to receive two lion fish for free!

I got two because I was going to have dinner with Susan and Chris, the ladies who live below me. What a blast!! One of the fish, Billy, was already cut up. But Fred, the other, was whole. Chris and I laughed like crazy while cutting him up. Susan is a bit more squeamish; she made rice and salad. We BBQed the fish with garlic. It was really good!
Top - Manuel, my husband for the day and fish supplier
Next - The fishing boat coming in

Next left to right- Susan (downstairs lady), Sylvia (landlord's girlfriend and cooking advisor), and Chris (downstairs lady) consulting on how to fix up Freddy
Bottom- bonding with Freddy before chopping him up!
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