Oliver, is between Penticton and Osoyoos BC. Osoyoos is home to Canada's only desert. Cacti actually grow there!

They lived and worked in the Cayman Islands, as servers. About 6 years ago, they took 1 year off and travelled the world. They bought a cool airline ticket that enabled them to take 16 different flights on 5 different continents. They rented camper vans in Australia and Europe. They said they were motivated to take the year off/do the trip because a few/several people around them died shortly before that. They did not do the "Europe thing" when they were young.

I tested my camera and BB today. My camera seems to want to work, except I can't get the memory card in and the zoom is behaving weirdly. My BB turns on OK, but the touch screen isn't responding at all. They're both back in the rice. I sent an email to OtterBox, the dry box manufacturer. Their warranty says they won't replace electronics that are in defective boxes. But maybe they can still do something to ease the pain...
Top: The view while I was doing my exercises on the beach. Speaking of which, I met another couple yesterday. The wife, Wendy, joined me for my exercises. Fun!
Middle - I think this is the support they are setting up for the stage for Carnaval. Reuse at it's best...
Bottom - There are several animal "sculptures" in a park close to here. The little girl was having fun on the hippo. Her mom gave me permission to take the photo.
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