The last couple of days have been kinda busy and quiet all at the same time. Mostly I've been shopping, cooking, doing stuff with the English school.

In order to eat well and save some money, I've been eating only one meal out about once every day or two. I don't mind. It's kinda fun to learn how to cook with local fruits and vegetables. Some new ones I learned about this year are tomatillo and mamaye. I've become re-familiarized with jicama and chayote. And I learned that chipotle is a jalapeno that has been marinated. And you shouldn't lick your fingers after cutting one up!!!

Yesterday, was pretty chilly and windy. Not a beach day at all. So I browsed in the stores and walked around town. While in a store called Cinco Soles (five suns) I had a nice karma moment. A salesman asked me if my name is Magdalena. Here, that is my name when I speak Spanish. At first, I didn't know who he was. But he reminded me that we met at the English school.
We chatted for a while, and then he let me try several tequilas the store had to offer. It was really nice!
Last night, I went to a casual rooftop party hosted by Barbara, the owner of the English school. There were about 10 people there, including some of her advanced students, Linda, her boyfriend Martin and me. A real international multilingual event!

1 - jicama. it's hard, slightly sweet, and refreshing. Good raw or in stir fry
2 - milk comes in carton here. I bought that tea mug cause it's nice and big!
3 -chipotle in a small tin, the diameter of the top is a little bigger than a loonie
4 - mamaye. it's like a cantaloupe combined with papaya. I don't like either of these fruits much, so I don't like mamaye much either