Last night, I went out with Linda. We drank a little, danced a lot, and had a really good time!
I was definitely ready to let loose a little.

We went to Woody's, a popular night spot near the main plaza. They have live music every night. We thought Pako would be playing. He's a very charismatic singer who does great covers of a huge variety of songs. He's also very good at gauging his crowd and catering to their preferences. Unfortunately, Pako wasn't playing. But the band that was there, was very good. So Linda and I had a couple of drinks, we danced, and chatted.

That would have been a good evening in itself. But on my way home, I walked through the pre-Carnival amusement park. It's bigger than last week, and is now here until Carnaval proper. I was feeling a little hungry. So I bought a cooked plantain. So Yum!!! And full of karma too. The plantain was 25 pesos. I only had a $20 US (it's a long story...). The vendor gave me my change. I was counting to see if it made sense. Another vendor came to help with the counting. I was short about $2US. I said it's ok. Cause big US bills are a pain. But he insisted and gave me more back. It just felt really nice. Everybody being nice...
Photos -
1 - the band at Woody's.
2 - Linda and me
3 -the vendor and his cart, so cute!
4 - my yummy plantain! complete with sweetened condensed milk. they put it on everything! did I say yum?!!
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