Carnaval is coming to Cozumel in February, so the preparations have begun!
This week, a small midway / family fun park came to town. Complete with kiddy rides, games, and lots of junk food! So I went last night to check it out. I love all the colour, the smells, and how so many families come out to enjoy themselves.

Last night, right beside the midway, the town introduced this year's potential grown up and kiddy Carnaval Kings and Queens at a big show. There is a whole voting process that goes on for several weeks, on Sunday evenings, prior to Carnaval itself.

One thing that really stood out for me was that there seemed to be a Queen candidate with Down Syndrome. She was beautiful in her orange sparkly dress. And she seemed very comfortable with all the parading and dancing. Until. All the candidates were on stage for a big photo opportunity. Fun! But suddenly, out from the stage floor, in front of all the candidates, came sparkler type sparklies! Taller than the potential Kings and Queens! I don't know if the Kings and Queens knew the sparklies were coming, or not. But it certainly seemed like the young woman with Down's was very scared. It was so sad. Lots of the others candidates went to her aid. But what an unfortunate way to end the big event!
Photos (from top to bottom)
1-Some fun midway colours
2 - the big sparklies at the front of the stage
3 - that little kid was soooooo cute!
4 and 5 - families and friends seemed to be selling cake and other goodies to raise funds for the of the King/Queen candidates
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