Yesterday, my travel day had a few ups and downs. Literally. Today was much better!!

Remember the "Trains, Planes, and Automobiles" movie? My trip to Cozumel yesterday was a bit like that. It promised to go so well! The weather for flying was great! Except for.... Toronto. Remember the snow storm in 1999? This time the problem wasn't snow. Just cold. The water pipes on the plane were frozen. Really? Don't planes have block heaters? It took 4 hours to thaw them so we could take off.

This ruined my great plan to take a commuter flight from Cancun to Cozumel. I arrived in Cancun too late. Then, I kinda fell for a kinda scam. I was gonna take the ADO Bus (like a Greyhound bus) from Cancun to Cozumel. But the "guy" said no! Take this taxi it'll be faster. It could have been. Except for I had to wait until he found 3 other people to fill the taxi. And I got dropped off last. So I missed the 8 pm ferry. The next was at 10 pm.

That was OK enough. I waited at a restaurant / bar, beside the ferry terminal and the beach. There are worse things to do! But I was getting tired. I had been up for 21 hours. And the big waves on the sea made the ferry bob up and down, a lot. And I got sea sick. Let's just say, I was very happy to wash up and go to bed.....
Today was much better! I picked-up my bicycle at Pat'splace (a Canadian with a house near my apartment), and chatted with her and her mom for a while. I had breakfast at a new "cocina" (small corner restaurant) that's in the same building as my apartment and is run by Sylvia, my landlord's mexican girlfriend. Breakfast there could become a habit.... For about $5, you get fresh squuezed juice and fruit, tea, eggs and it seems whatever side stuff you want.
After my nap....I met my cousin Linda. We had tea, made dinner together, and chatted. She`s staying at a school that offers English classes, where she`ll be working soon. It`s very nice! I offerred to volunteer there. We`ll see what happens....
Top - I watched some curling on the plane. I was sooooo critiquing their technique, now that I`m a Novice Bonspiel `B Division`champion skip!
Middle - Part 1 of my breakfast today. Turns out I like papaya.
Bottom - The boys shaking their booties at the bar near the ferry. Notice the nice lady / cougar? on the swing seat on the right of the bar....
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