Except, that sometimes you receive clothes that aren't yours. Oops! It happened twice last week. Once to me, and once to Susan and Chris. A total of three pieces of mystery clothing. The really weird thing is that the mystery items didn't belong to anyone at the villa, the neighbour's only clients, apparently. And he couldn't figure to whom they might actually belong!
Now, I take a picture of all the clothes I send, in case some don't come back. I can hopefully track them down more easily.

1 - some creative light covers at the carnaval. they remind me of the Styrofoam cups with little holes / stars in them we had when camping
2 - I'm not sure that black thing is supposed to be hanging there like that....
3 - cruise ship people enjoying a beverage and balloon hats at Senor Frogs
4 - maybe some of them will stop at the shops on the way back to the ship to get "supplies" - look carefully at the centre of the photo!
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