At this market, there are lots of stalls for clothes. Which are so inexpensive for us, that everything feels like a deal. Toby bought fun shorts for $5 CDN each and a linen shirt for about $15.
Many of these stalls also sell sarongs. A sarong is a piece of fabric, about 2 meters long and 1 meter wide, that's sewn together to make a big tube. You step into the tube and tie it skillfully around your waist. And voila! Men wear them instead of pants or shorts.
I love the sarongs! The colours and textures are great! I'm using them instead of my Mexican wraps. To lie on, and as a pseudo dress around the house. The prices for the sarongs vary according to the fabric and weave. From about 1200 rupees to 375 rupees (about $10 to $3 CDN).
Today, I bought two. I couldn't remember how much this type should cost. But when the sales guy started at 1,000 Rupees each, I knew for sure that was too much. Because they like to bargain, and I was white and alone. I bargained down to 600 Rupees. I felt ok about the price until I heard him START the bargaining at 500 Rupees with a Sri Lankan, in Sinhalese! Which meant he would have settled for 400 Rupees or less!
I don't know much Sinhalese yet, but I'm starting to know the numbers. I told the salesman that I understood what he said and I knew he overcharged me. I kinda tried, but didn't get any money back. I didn't feel too bad about losing the $3.00 he overcharged. But I was really proud of myself for understanding the number and telling him so!!
1- One of about 4 aisles at the Negombo downtown market
2 &3 - Some kids and me having fun with some blow up toys for sale in downtown Negombo
4- A toy salesman showing off his wares. Fun!
5- My white skin makes me a magnet for beggars in Negombo Lagoon, where there are very few tourists. This poor man is wearing a sarong.
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