The hotel has activity coordinators and several activities planned every day. Until yesterday, I had only participated in one Spanish lesson, which was mostly review for me, and played bingo once. But yesterday, it was kinda cool and cloudy and windy. So I decided to check things out more.
After some exercises on a quiet part of the beach, I made a bracelet with 3 colours of string. Not a fancy bracelet. But I like it. Then, a band played music beside the pool area. They played upbeat fun dance-able songs. The activity coordinators danced for us in costume - one caveman, one pirate, one belly dancer, and one rabbit. The poor rabbit! He must have been sooooo hot! I danced off to the side, in a nice patch of grass, in my bathing suit! After that, I played volleyball on the beach with an activity coordinator, Angel/the rabbit, and several other guests. It was lots of fun! I even had this "drama" moment. The ball hit me in the neck/shoulder/face and made me fall to the sand. It looked way worse than it felt. But I think I looked pretty cool.
Today, I think more volleyball and I'll try the Spanish lesson. There isn't usually anyone else. So I can maybe ask my "more advanced" questions.
1- Lorraine rocking it out with the caveman.
2- The activity coordinators giving us a fun show.
3-the ceasar salad I had at the fancy restaurant at the hotel. notice how the lettuce is held together by the cucumber ring. not practical, but very lovely!
5 - Angel the bunny. He's my favourite activity coordinator.
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