Once again, we got to visit the windy side of the Island. This time, we stayed at Punta Morena. It was really nice!
Jan and Bruce are a couple who are staying one floor up from me. They have a rented car. Once again, Jan dropped Bruce off this morning to dive, and offered to take us ladies to the windy side of the island. It's win / win. I think she likes our company. We enjoy going there!

This time we chose to stop at the Punta Morena (brown point) beach club. It was really nice! The water was super calm. There were 3 swimming pools, beautiful sand access to the ocean, hamacs, tables, lounge chairs, sunny areas and shady areas. Pretty much anything you could possible want!

The only hiccup was that I was super sleepy most of the time! Jan likes to drive around town a bit on her way to the beach. I got car sick last time (and yesterday from swimming....). So I took a Dramamine (anti-sea sick) pill before going. It totally knocked me out! Mind you, there are worse things than sleeping on a lounge chair in the shade....
1 -the beach at Punta Morena (PM)
2 - the showers at PM

3 - one of the pools, with built in lounge chairs with about 3 inches of water. very cool!
4 - even the bathrooms at PM are lovely
5 - me and my new hat at PM
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