Egrets are in the same family as herons. There are different types. The one I saw was all white. Likely a "great" or "intermediate" egret. No, I didn't make up these names....

Then all of a sudden! Dead gecko in the egrets mouth! Or maybe not dead yet. But no longer having a good day....It took a while for the egret to swallow the gecko, but it did. Then the egret did it all over again. Poor little lizards!
1 - the egret really was in the street at first, right in the middle
2 - if you look very closely, you can see the gecko in the egrets mouth!
3 - Buck. Another guest at the Villa. He likes to clean the pool and pool deck. I couldn`t resist this shot with his cigar and broom!
4 - some grasshoppers made from palm tree leaves. ok. the pose isn`t really family friendly.....but it was funny!
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