Yesterday was a bit of a big day. I had to switch rooms, and it was the last day for me in the beginner class at the Spanish English Academy (SEA).

The rooms at my Villa have all been full for about one week now. That`s OK. Except that someone else booked my room for the last 3 days of my stay. It seems to be some sort of misunderstanding. But it meant I had to move from my one-bedroom with a kitchen to the single room without kitchen. That`s OK enough too. It `justifies`trying new fun places to eat. But I miss the extra space which I used to paint and do computer stuff, and I especially miss the privacy. It`s hard to explain, but suffice it to say that I never had to close my door or curtains in my old room. But now people can see right into my room when they come up and down the stairs. I have to close the door when I pee and get changed. The hardships!.....

Last night was the last time for me to volunteer in the beginner English class. It was bittersweet. It`ll be kinda nice to not have to watch the time on school days. But I`ll miss being part of something and seeing the people at the school. At the end of the class, they gave me a rose. And all the students hugged me as they left. It was very touching.
1-my new room. compact but fine for 3 nights
2 - the rose the students gave me last night after my last class
3 - there are actually critter bodies in the sea food soup Chris ordered!!
4 - candies for sale at the Carnaval, such pretty colours!
5 - the biggest stack of taco meat I have ever seen!!!
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