Yesterday was such a whirlwind of a day! And all so unexpected!
I was all set to go for an early morning bike ride when Jan from upstairs came knocking. Bruce, her guy, was scuba diving and she had the keys to the car. Did I wanna go for a drive on the other side of the island? Yep!

Thirty minutes later, all 4 of us ladies (Jan, me, Chris, and Susan) were piled into the car with the windows wide open! The other side of the island faces the Atlantic ocean, is usually windy, has some beautiful sandy beaches with big waves, and only has a handful of beach bars. Nothing else. It's beautiful!!!
We lounged on the beach, played in the big surf, ate at "Coconuts", and gazed at the beauty of it all!

That in itself would have been a complete day. But yesterday evening, I went with Buck and "T", a retired American couple who are staying in the same Villa as me, to Kelly's Bar to watch the Super Bowl. I didn't care that much about the game itself. But the atmosphere in a bar where everyone is involved in the same thing is always fun. And Super Bowl has some pretty cool commercials and half-time show! I chatted with T, a 30 something retired rich American named Scott, and a 60 something widow named John who all stay in Cozumel several months each year, and to Oscar, a Mexican waiter at one of the hotel restaurants. A few beverages later, I walked home with T and Buck. An interesting experience given the "extreme" sidewalks in Cozumel.
1-One of the beautiful beaches on the wild side of the island
2-The ladies on the wild side!
3 - the décor at "Coconuts". Look very carefully at some of the details. Coconuts has a reputation for being a little wild at times....
4 -some of the regulars "mingling" at Coconuts
5 - an example of an "extreme" sidewalk in Cozumel. It would be very difficult to be mobility impaired here.
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