The first time I got my hair cut in Cozumel, it was a real adventure. I got a reference for a hairdresser from a friend, found the place, asked for a trim in my best Spanish, and lost over 4 inches of length to my hair....luckily, I actually liked the result. And it grows back....

Last year, she and I chatted, each using our best language skills, while she slowly worked on me. This year, it was fun to listen to her and another customer chat away, at almost lighting speed. I caught about 30-40% of what they were saying. Including a very silly story about how someone's dog who has the same name as the customer, and the customer was all confused about who was calling him. I think a parrot was involved too. But I'm not so sure about that part. No matter. They laughed. I laughed even harder. It was just so fun to be part of that little scene.

1) Dona Lety and her customer Bruno. Both are very nice people!
2) The view from Dona Lety's hairdressing chair
3) Norm from Ennis Montana. He and his girlfriend Terri were a lot of fun. Norm doesn't like having his picture taken. But he agreed to model his cool shirt for me!
4 and 5) The view from my chair in the evening at Hotel Cozumel. I was a guest there thanks to Norm, Terri, and Scott.

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