Dogs are everywhere in Cozumel! They are, in so many ways, a regular source of amusement!
There aren't many real street dogs here. As in dogs that don't belong to anyone and are neglected. Though, there are a few dogs that roam the plaza or streets. Generally, they're in nice condition. Sometimes they wear sweaters, because it is winter after all (really???). And they often behave like they are the king of that space. Very cute!
My neighbour, across the street and two houses over, apparently has about ten dogs. They sometimes bark, all at the same time. It can be noisy. But I've never seen them. The house has a very tall wall all around it. Rumour has it they (used to) fling the dog poop over their wall into the street. My friend called the street "excremento way". I haven't seen any significant poop this year.
A lot of the expats (Canadians and Americans) who live here have dogs. You can see them walking their them, mostly in the morning.
1) Loki ignoring the camera (a usual thing) and his new Lamb Chop stuffy. Lamb Chop seems so sad (to not be chewed up?)
2) Loki giving Lamb Chop some love. But still ignoring the camera...
3) A sign in the park where lots of people walk their dogs. Toooo funny!
4) A dog in my hood that likes to give me grief
5) A "mayan" dog on the beach in Tulum. Cute. And kinda not.
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