I kept meaning to get my hair cut before I left home for this year's adventure. But it d

't happen because I ran out of time, and I was kindof looking forward to the adventure of getting it cut here.
I like the challenge of trying to express myself in Spanish. And the cost. This time, it was 50 pesos, about $5 Canadian. A very good deal! And hair grows back if it's terrible....In order to increase the odds of success, I asked Pat, a Canadian who lives here full time now, where she gets her hair cut. She told me but that place was closed. And I was on a mission.

So I chose a place that seemed promising. Dona Lety's. The whole salon was about 10'x10'. Leti was super welcoming when I stopped in front of her shop. She even let me take my bicycle right in. She was very encouraging and patient when I pulled out the paper on which I had written all I wanted to say "Me gusteria un corte de pelo. Me gusta el estilo pero yo quiero mas corto. Qiuiero capas largas. Mis pelos se rizando en la humedad. Me gustaria que la capa mas larga estar en mi barbilla. Mis flequillos son suficiente corto."
Are you impressed? Some of the grammar is likely wrong. But she clearly understood. And like all good hairdressers all over the world, she cut my hair shorter than I hoped. But I can live with it. It's kindof fun. It's nice and cool on my neck. It'll grow back. I have a hat! And she was super

nice! We chatted, mostly in Spanish, about her dog, the fact that she came from Puerto
Vallarta and likes it more in Cozumel, her grandkids, and my job at the farm. I'd go back to Leti again!
#1 - Dona Lety, my very kind hairdresser
#2 Dona Lety's store front
#3 -My new hair cut.
#4- A palm with it's own super cool hair cut!
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